HR Terminology

Job Description (JD)

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  7. Job description (JD): Definition

A job description is a detailed document that focuses on the specific tasks and responsibilities associated with a particular job.

Job descriptions typically include information about the day-to-day duties, reporting relationships, qualifications, and skills required for the role. They are often used in the recruitment process to communicate the expectations of the role to potential candidates, thereby serving a role as a communication bridge between the hiring organisation and the potential candidate. In short, it is a detailed description of a job position.


A JD is used to communicate the expectations of the role to potential candidates, serving a role as a communication bridge between the hiring organisation and the potential candidate.

Job descriptions play a crucial role in the recruitment process by providing a detailed overview of the specific tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications associated with a job. They help in attracting suitable candidates, setting clear expectations, and facilitating effective communication between the hiring organisation and potential candidates.

Job descriptions have value beyond recruitment. They serve as a reference for employees to understand their roles and responsibilities, helping in performance evaluations, goal setting, and career development. Additionally, job descriptions can be used for training purposes, ensuring that employees are aware of what is expected of them in their roles.

A comprehensive job description typically includes details about the day-to-day duties, reporting relationships, qualifications, and skills required for the role. It may also cover information about the organisation's culture, goals, and any specific expectations related to performance metrics or other key aspects of the job.

A job description is a part of the umbrella term "job profile.” However, the use of these terms can vary between organisations. While some may use them interchangeably, others may use them distinctly. When interpreting these terms in a particular context, one can refer to an organisation's specific terminology and practices.

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